Brugnoli, E; Muniz, P; Venturini, N & García-Rodríguez, F. 2021. Benthic community responses to organic enrichment during an ENSO event (2009-2010), in the north coast of Rio de la Plata estuary. Journal of Marine Systems, doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103597.
Brugnoli, E; Pereira, J; Ferrer, C; Silva, I; Capurro, L […] & Muniz, P. 2021. Limnoperna fortunei (mejillón dorado): características bióticas, distribución, impactos y manejo poblacional en Uruguay. pp. 127-147. En: Brazeiro A, Bresciano D, Brugnoli E & Iturburu M (eds): Especies exóticas invasoras de Uruguay: distribución, impactos socioambientales y estrategias de gestión. MVOTMA, CEEI, Udelar, Montevideo.
Brazeiro, A; Bresciano, D & Brugnoli E. 2021. Panorama general de las invasiones biológicas en Uruguay. pp. 13-38. En: Brazeiro, A; Bresciano, D; Brugnoli, E & Iturburu, M (eds): Especies exóticas invasoras de Uruguay: distribución, impactos socioambientales y estrategias de gestión. Ministerio de Ambiente, CEEI, Udelar, Montevideo.
Brugnoli, E; Arocena, R; Cabrera-Lamanna, L & Muniz, P. 2021. Management and monitoring of eutrophication: trophic state indexes on the Rio de la Plata northern coast. In: Filho, W. Marisa Azul, A., Brandli, L. Lange Salvia, A. & Wall, T. (Eds). Life Below Water, Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature Swizerland. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71064-8_114-1. ISBN 978-3-319-71064-8.
Bueno, C; Alves, FL; Pinheiro, LM; Perez, L; Agostini, VO. Fernandes, EHL; Möller, OO; Weschenfelder, J; Pinho, GLL; Wallner-Kersnach, M; Moura, RR; Durán, JM; Etchevers, I; Costa, LDF; Werlag, CC; Bortolin, E; Machado, E; Figueira, RCL; Ferreira, PAL; Andrade, C; Fornaro, L & García-Rodríguez, F. 2021. The effect of agricultural intensification and water-locking on the world’s largest coastal lagoonal system. Science of The Total Environment, 801: 149664.
Bueno, C; Figueira, RCL; Ivanoff, MD; Toldo Jr, EE; Ferreira, PAL; Fornaro, L & García-Rodríguez, F. 2021. Inferring centennial terrigenous input for Patos Lagoon, Brazil: the world’s largest choked coastal lagoon. Journal of Paleolimnology 66: 157-169.
Bueno, C; Sanders, CJ; Niencheski, FH; Andrade, C; Burnett, W & Santos, IR. 2021. Organic carbon accumulation in oligotrophic coastal lakes in southern Brazil during the last century. Journal of Paleolimnology, 66: 71-82.
Capurro, L; Castro, M; Chalar, G & Arocena, R. 2021. Taxonomía y ecología de los Oligochaeta de la cuenca del Río Negro y otros registros para Uruguay. Boletín de la Sociedad Zoológica del Uruguay (Aceptado).
Elias, R; Mendez, N; Muniz, P et al. 2021. Una revisión de los poliquetos como indicadores biológicos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Marine and Fishery Science, 34 (1): 37-107. Review paper.
Fabián, D; Ferrer, C; Pereira, J; Muniz, P; Capurro, L; Mandiá, M; Failache, G & Brugnoli, E. 2021. Variación anual de larvas del mejillón dorado (Limnoperna fortunei) en sistemas de refrigeración de centrales hidroeléctricas en embalses del Río Negro, Uruguay. INNOTEC, 22 (e572). https://doi.org/10.26461/22.0.
Muniz, P; Góngora, N; Sánchez M., Lago V., Antuña D., Correa P., Chiesa E.& Brugnoli, E. 2021. Rapana venosa (Muricidae, Rapaninae): un invasor “exitoso” en el estuario del Río de la Plata. pp. 149-161. En: Brazeiro A, Bresciano D, Brugnoli E & Iturburu M (eds): Especies exóticas invasoras de Uruguay: distribución, impactos socioambientales y estrategias de gestión. MVOTMA, CEEI, Udelar, Montevideo.
Rodríguez, M; Muniz, P; Brazeiro, A & Defeo, O . 2021. Distribución y dinámica poblacional de la almeja asiática Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia, Corbiculidae) en ríos de Uruguay. Ecología Austral, 31(1): 328-342.
Silva, I; Brugnoli, E; et al. 2021. Interacciones ecológicas entre el mejillón dorado y macroinvertebrados bentónicos nativos en el Río Uruguay. INNOTEC No 22 (e573). https://doi.org/10.26461/22.04. pp 1-23.
Tudurí, A; Pérez, L.; Venturini, N; Rodríguez-Gallego L; García-Rodríguez, F; González, L; Lescano, C; Costa, S; Del Puerto, L & Bergamino L. 2021. Trophic assessment in South American Atlantic coastal lagoons: Linking water, sediment and diatom indicators. Marine Pollution Bulletin, doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112119.
Vélez-Rubio, GM; González-Etchebehere, L; Scarabino, F; Trinchin, R; Manta, G; Laporta, M; Zabaleta, M; Vidal, V; de Leon-Mackey A & Kruk, C. 2021. Macroalgae morpho-functional groups in Southern marine ecosystems: rocky intertidal in the Southwestern Atlantic (33°–35° S). Marine Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-021-03960-6.
Álvarez, R; Heidemeyer, M; Riginos, C; Benítez, HA; Reséndiz, E; Lara, M; Godoy, DA; Muñoz-Pérez, JP; Alarcón-Ruales, DE; Vélez-Rubio, GM; […]; Véliz, D. 2020. Integrating morphological and genetic data at different spatial scales in a cosmopolitan marine turtle species: challenges for management and conservation. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 191(2): 434-453.
Brito, C; Torres Vilaça, S; […]; Vélez-Rubio, GM; Carneiro, M. 2020. Combined use of mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers further reveal immature marine turtle hybrids along the South Western Atlantic. Genetics and Molecular Biology 43 (2): e20190098.
Bueno, C; Figueira, R.; Ivanoff, MD; Toldo, Jr. EE; Fornaro, L & García-Rodríguez, F. 2019. A multi proxy assessment of long-term anthropogenic impacts in Patos Lagoon, southern Brazil. Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 4: 276-290
González-Bergonzoni, I; Silva, I; […]; Brugnoli, E; Tesitore, G; Vidal, N & Naya D.E. 2020. Evaluating the role of predatory fish controlling the invasion of the Asian golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in a subtropical river. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:717–728. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13573.
González-Bergonzoni, I; Silva, I; […]; Brugnoli, E; Tesitore, G; Vidal, N & Naya D.E. 2020. Evaluating the role of predatory fish controlling the invasion of the Asian golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in a subtropical river. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:717–728. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13573.
Kruk, C; Trinchín, R; de Mello, S; Vélez-Rubio, GM; Cantieri, R. 2020. Mujeres Con-Ciencia: una mirada a las Geociencias en Uruguay. Descentrada, 4(2), e122. DOI:https://doi.org/10.24215/25457284e122.
López-Mendilaharsu, M; Giffoni, B; Monteiro, D; Prosdocimi, L; Vélez-Rubio, GM; et al. 2020. Multiple threats analysis for loggerhead sea turtles in the SWAO. Endangered Species Research 41: 183–196.
Muniz P. 2020. Estuários, ch 6 de Ecologia Marinha (Renato Crespo Pereira & Abilio Soares Gomes), 165-190 pp.
Venturini, N; Zhu, Z; Bessonart, M; García-Rodríguez, F; Bergamino L; Brugnoli, E; Muniz, P & Zhang, J. 2020. Between-summer comparison of particulate organic matter in surface waters of a coastal area influenced by glacier meltwater runoff and retreat. Polar Science, doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2020.100603.
Woodroffe, CD; Qiao, B; Christofoletti, R; Muniz, P; Hunt, DE & Yasuhara M. 2020. Estuaries and Deltas. Ch 7D of II World Ocean Assessment. Organizadores: United Nations, New York, vol 1: 339-352.
Abessa, D; […]; Muniz, P; Moreira, I & Sousa, ECPM. 2019. Natural factors and chemical contamination control the structure of macrobenthic communities in the Santos Estuarine System (SP, Brazil). Community ecology, 20 (2): 121-137.
Alonso […]; Muniz, P & Venturini, N. 2019. Water Quality in Uruguay: current status and challenges. Water Quality in the Americas: risks and Opportunities (Vammen et al.), Network of National Academies of Sciences-IANAS/UNESCO, Mexico, Vol 1: 592-631.
Muniz, P & Venturini, N. 2019. Environmental Conditions in the Estuarine Coast of Montevideo (Uruguay): Historical Aspects and Present Status: An Updated. Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (J Nriagu), 2nd Edition. ELSEVIER, Oxford. 1-11 pp.
Muniz, P; Venturini, N; Brugnoli, E; Gutiérrez, JM & Acuña A. 2019. Río de la Plata, Uruguay. World Seas: An environmental Evaluation (C. Sheppard). ELSEVIER, Academic Press. 703-724.
Muniz, P; Brugnoli, E; Venturini, N & Conde D. 2019. Ciencias marino-costeras en el umbral del siglo XXI. Desafíos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. ( Libro compilado Libro). Vol 1 535 p. Editorial: AGT Editor, México.
Pereira, J; Rodríguez, M; Santos, S; Kandratavicius, N; Bueno, C; Rodríguez, M; Pérez, L; Tudurí, A; Venturini, N; Brugnoli, E & Muniz, P. 2019. Variación en pequeña escala de la estructura horizontal y vertical de comunidades macrobentónicas en una laguna costera del Atlántico Sudoccidental. Innotec 18:88 – 110, 10.26461/18.03.